Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Relationship Sculptures

Students at San Miguel School participating in our Love U2 workshop have been learning about healthy and unhealthy relationships. For this session they created sculptures to represent six different types of relationships. These are the sculptures they created:

TEAM 1 created a sculpture representing a CONDITIONAL RELATIONSHIP. In this type of relationship you worry a lot about not being "good enough." You feel like you have to be, act, talk, and look a certain way in order to keep you partner's attention or love. You worry you won't be loved if you show or act like real you.

TEAM 2 created a sculpture representing an EQUAL, RESPECTFUL AND SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIP. In this type of relationship both partners strongly value talking to and treating each other with a high level of respect. Neither dominates or consistently "gives in." They both know differences and disagreements are inevitable in any relationship and do not put each each other down when these occur. Both partners feel encouraged by the other to develop and better themselves.

TEAM 3 created a sculpture representing a CONTROLLING RELATIONSHIP. In this type of relationship one partner dominates and need to be the "boss" especially in from of others. The controlled person worries about upsetting his or her partner and often avoids saying or doing things that are important. One or both partners think they are entitled to express their frustration and anger in any way they choose such as through criticism, put-downs, name-calling, threats intimidation and/or actual physical aggression.

TEAM 4 created a sculpture representing a MOSTLY PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP. This type of relationship is based almost exclusively on excitement, looks, money and sexual attraction. While they may spend a lot of time being physical, there is not a lot of deeper getting-to-know each other time.

TEAM 5 created a sculpture representing an UNCONDITIONAL RELATIONSHIP. In this type of relationship you both feel liked or loved for who you really are. You don't have to be perfect. You each show genuine care about the other.

TEAM 6 created a sculpture representing ATTRACTION ON MANY LEVELS. In this type of relationship the couple clearly feels the attraction and excitement, but also enjoy talking, getting to now each other, sharing thoughts, feelings, and goals. This relationship is based on a lot more than looks, status, or material things. They admire and enjoy each other's character and personality.


Which team do you think created a sculpture that best represents the type of relationship described. Write a comment about this post and submit your vote.

1 comment:

  1. Students did a great job coming up with creative ways to represent each type relationship.
