Monday, February 23, 2009

Are you planning to fail?

One of my favorite little pieces of advice which I caringly use to torture all the students I work with to think about is: "When you fail to plan, you PLAN to FAIL." This fun play of words couldn't be truer in the world of relationships.

A basic beginning in any relationship in which one wishes to succeed in, whether is a dating relationship or a friendship, is to know what one wants from the relationship and what that relationship should look like.

That short description sure does pack a lot more than one can say about relationships in a couple of lines. We invite you to join our blog and share with us your thoughts as we navigate through the complexity and depth of relationships.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage teens and young people to develop personal Relationship Smarts. Relationships are as much about finding love as they are about developing the skills to be able to make right choices for yourself and your partner.

Every week we will post tips, advice from the experts and questions to challenge your thoughts and get you to think about what makes a great relationship. One that not only has chemistry and passion but also the basis of true friendship and the trust and commitment to sustain it for the long run.

Welcome to CSAF’s Love is Smart Blog.