What are you carrying with you? Emotional baggage usually carries a negative undertone in relationships. The reality is that we all carry emotional baggage into our relationships. Date someone long enough and soon after the good and not-so-good issues begin to surface. Emotional baggage is those attitudes, behaviors and feelings we have learned growing up at home and have also picked up through our life experiences. Have you ever thought about your own baggage? How are you used to resolving conflict at home? Does everyone sit to discuss the issue or do you all simply argue until someone gives up or perhaps is the one that yells louder the one who gets to win? A habit that perhaps you hated and saw people doing when you were growing up down the road can become a pattern in your own life.
Think about what your family background has taught you in these areas:
Communication / Handling Stressful Situations / Expressing Feelings / Expressing Love or Affection / Problem Solving / Unity / Discipline and Rules / Moral or Spiritual convictions / Trust and Honesty
So think about it, what kind of baggage are you carrying around? What are the good attitudes, behaviors and feelings you want to bring into your relationships? What part of your emotional baggage would you want to get rid of or change?